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Research Accomplishment Record

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Research Accomplishment Record

Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Neural Regeneration in spinal Cord Injured Rat
Chul Hwan Jang(장철환), Min Cheol Joo
Journal of Wonkwang Medical science
척추 및 기타 근골격계 질환 및 중재시술, 초음파 유도 중재시술, 근전도 및 전기진단, 재활의학과 일반질환
Effects of Hippotherapy on Psychosocial Aspects in Children With Cerebral Palsy and Their Caregivers: A Pilot Study
Chul Hwan Jang(장철환), MD1, Min Cheol Joo, MD1, Se Eung Noh, MD1, Sang Yeol Lee, MD, PhD2, Dae Bo Lee, MD3, Sung Ho Lee, PhD4, Ho Kyun Kim, MD4, Hyo In Park, MD1
Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine
척추 및 기타 근골격계 질환 및 중재시술, 초음파 유도 중재시술, 근전도 및 전기진단, 재활의학과 일반질환
Comparison of clinical and radiologic outcomes between non-operative and operative treatment in 5th metatarsal base fractures
Lee TH, Lee JH(이지호), Chay SW, Jang KS, Kim HJ
슬관절, 스포츠의학, 관절경수술, 인공관절
Atypical epidermoid cyst containing multiple nail plates at a finger amputation stump
Dongmin Kim(김동민), Jong Woong Park
Journal of Hand Surgery, European vol.
수부 및 미세신경수술, 팔꿈치 및 손목관절, 족부 및 족관절, 고관절 및 외상