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Research Accomplishment Record

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Research Accomplishment Record

Distraction arthroplasty in an osteochondral defect of the middle finger in a juvenile patient
In-Cheul Choi, Dongmin Kim(김동민)
Journal of Hand Surgery, Asian-Pacific vol.
수부 및 미세신경수술, 팔꿈치 및 손목관절, 족부 및 족관절, 고관절 및 외상
Metallic Mercury Injection in the Hand Caused by A Broken Mercury Thermometer
Dongmin Kim(김동민), Jong Woong Park
Journal of Hand Surgery, Asian-Pacific vol.
수부 및 미세신경수술, 팔꿈치 및 손목관절, 족부 및 족관절, 고관절 및 외상
Severe destructive tendinopahty in the wrist due to dialysis-related amyloidosis
Dongmin Kim(김동민), Jong Woong Park
Journal of Hand Surgery, Asian-Pacific vol.
수부 및 미세신경수술, 팔꿈치 및 손목관절, 족부 및 족관절, 고관절 및 외상
Posterior percutaneous endoscopic cervical foraminotomy and diskectomy with unilateral biportal endoscopy
JH Park(박재현), SG Jun, JT JunG, SGJ Lee
경추•요추 디스크, 척추협착증, 퇴행성척추질환, 최소침습 척추수술, 척추 내시경 (biportal endoscopic spine surgery)